Tale of Eun Aran Wiki
Sang Gum & Ha Gum
Personal Info
Nickname Gangnam Twins

Twin Assassins

Gender Male
Professional Info
Affiliation Branch Family
Occupation Assassins
Martial Arts
Style Snake Arts / Branch Family Arts
Webtoon Debut
Chapter 10

The Gum twins are the Branch Family famous assasinss. They get sent out to recruit the Rock Smith, Suk Soo but fail.

Appearance []

Both twins have seafoamm green hair and eyes. Usually Sang Gum wears a blue shirt and Ha Gum wears a red.

Personality []

Both twins are hot tempered and very short on conversation. They enjoy fighting and are easy to read.

Plot []

Receiving the 500 year old ki[]

They are first seen eating meat with their father till they are told to stop cause of the news of the Grand Master's death. 

Abilities []

They are masters at Snake Arts.

  • Snake arts 8 sided strike - attacks with Ki made snakes.